Thursday, October 2, 2008


This is pretty random, but:
The other day while soaking in the shower, I was lathargically staring at the back of the shampoo and bodywash bottles when I noticed some strange chemical ingredients. I think I saw one of the longest words I have ever seen:

What is that??? And why does it need such a long word? What do the parts of that word even mean? Wikipedia defines it: "Methylchloroisothiazolinone is a preservative with antibacterial and antifungal effects within the group of isothiazolinones." Well now we know, not that you or I care..


To begin with, I apologize to the whole like two readers of my blog for taking so long to write a new post. Since August, my life has been basically consumed by soccer and school, and newly football. As an update on some of those subjects, our soccer team is having a dreamteam year (right now 12-2), and definately has the potential to win the New Mexico state championships. And recently, I began kicking for our football team as well! Hopefully I can be of some value to them...

Again, I apologize for taking forever to write; I will try hard to post more often..

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Presidential Candidates

As election day draws ever closer, I am becoming increasingly distressed with both presidential candidates. I'm not particularly pleased with either John McCain or Barack Obama. I'm afraid that John McCain will be another George W. Bush, and do essentially nothing but chill with the oil companies. His most recent TV ad was increasingly disturbing in which he called upon drilling for more oil and blaming Obama for high gas prices. In this avenue, I think that I am more of a liberal, than a conservative. If anything, we need to end our oil addiction, and as soon as possible ween over to alternative energy sources, not drill for more oil. I cannot even fathom what prompted this shallow, idiotic commercial, but I could not believe that McCain would even ever consider approving such a message. I do however, give credit to McCain's experience with government and politics, in which he towers above Obama.
I am intrigued with Obama's charisma and sense of 'freshness', however I fear that his lack of experience would be a defining downfall. Another big warning sign is the questionable people that he spends his time with, and they say that who you hang out with defines who you are. Once he began to gain popularity, his wife Michelle stated "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country." !!! What the hell is that?? We don't need that kinda narcissistic crap! If she doesn't like it here in America, why doesn't she go check out Iran and see how she likes it there. I don't like the idea of such a vain pessimist as first lady. Another huge red flag is Obama's pastor of 20 years, Rev. Wright, who blatently said, "God damn America!" Again, what the hell!?! Seriously, despite America's mistakes and downfalls, it definately does not call for God's damnation. And what does this fact that Obama is surrounded by bumbling idiots say about himself?? He seems like a cool, fun guy, but these facts greatly concern me.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Harrison Ford

So a couple days ago I got back from my month-long journey practically across the nation. I drove from New Mexico to Ohio and then I flew to Minnesota and then on to Alaska, and then finally back home. More on that in some other post.
When I was in Alaska, we drove for 9 hours from Fairbanks to an awesome small town called McCarthy. It has all the mining paraphenalia, glaciers, mtns, etc.

Anyway, about a day or two after we left, Harrison Ford shows up vacationing there!!! What the heck?? This small little place, and freakin Harrison Ford rolls up? Why could he not have come like 2 days earlier!! AArrgh. So frustrating!!
Some friends were there and they could "see him from a distance..."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Duct Tape

A lot of you have probably already heard this, but whatever...

During my road trip to Ohio, at a rest stop in Illinois, this was scratched into a picnic table:

Duct tape is like the force. It has a dark side and a light side and it holds the universe together..

I had to laugh because this is so true.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

That one kid...

This is mostly for the guys, but I guess in some strange circumstance it could possibly apply to girls too. I don't know...

So anyway:

Do you remember back in elementary school, there was always that one kid, when you were taking a piss, and he'd walk up and BAM! totally drop everything, underwear and all; asscheeks flyin all over the place, and he'd just be standing there peeing like, "What? Nothing's happening here...."

Sunday, June 15, 2008

European Tourists

So this past week, I have been traveling all over the southwest. A few days ago I visited Mesa Verde for what seems like the 8th time. After a couple visits, the ruins become less spectacular. Anyways, one thing that I did notice was that, if you're looking, European tourists usually stick out like a sore thumb. Here is the basic criteria:

They are probably Europeans if:

They are somewhat skinny.
They have fanny packs (aka asymptotes)
They are bald or close buzz cut(if they're young guys)
They wear short shorts or capris
They have those gay zipper shoes/funky sandal things
They smell profusely of sunscreen
And obviously if they are speaking some European language, that is a dead giveaway

If a person meets all or many of these specifications, its a good bet that they're European, however its up to your descretion to make the final decision.. Of course not all Europeans are going to meet these standards, but its a good starting point for all you beginners out there in the field.

*NOTE: Not responsible for any incorrectly labeled 'Europeans'